Miesten sosioseksuaalinen hierarkia

  • Miehinen tekijä blogissa oli hyvä kirjoitus miesten sosioseksuaalisesta hierarkiasta, eli siitä ketkä menestyy ja saa naisia ja ketkä jää nuolemaan näppejään. Kaikki kunnia hyvälle blogin tekijälle siis.

Alfamies on se kaveri, jolla on valtava määrä sosiaalista pääomaa.  Yleisesti ottaen alfa on aloitekykyinen, luontainen johtaja ja tietoinen paikastaan hierarkiassa.  Leijonan lailla alfa harvemmin arvostaa sitä, että hänet koetetaan pudottaa kuninkaan istuimelta, mikä tekee hänestä keskivertoa alttiimman riskeille.  Johtajatyyppinä alfaa ei niinkään kiinnosta, mitä muu yhteiskunta asioista ajattelee: hänellä on tehtävänsä ja hän tekee sen.  Alfa mittaa menestystään saavutuksillaan, mikä ilmenee usein myös naissankaruutena.  Lyhyesti ilmaisten miehet kunnioittavat alfaa ja naiset haluavat alfan.  Käytännössä kaikki naistenkellistysoppaat ja -neuvot keskittyvät alfan maneerien ja asennoitumisen emulointiin.
Pop-kulttuurista alfan löytää elokuvan pääosasta, potkimassa perseitä ja nauttimassa valokeilasta.  Esimerkkeinä Vin Diesel Fast and the Furious-sarjassa, Donald Trump.


Synnynnäinen luutnantti, luotettava kakkosmies ja kaveri, joka kukoistaa parhaiten vastuullisessa, vaan ei korkeimmassa asemassa.  Betalla ei ole samanlaista hinkua olla sosiaalisesti dominantti, mutta tästä huolimatta hänellä on korkea sosiaalinen pääoma, hyvä itseluottamus ja menestystä myös pariutumismarkkinoilla.  Seuraa mielellään alfan johtaessa ja lähtee mukaan tämän juttuihin.
Pop-kulttuurin esimerkki betasta on Paul Walker samassa elokuvasarjassa, toinen vaikkapa Lucius Vorenus sarjasta Rome.


Yksi jätkistä, kuten sanotaan, positiivisessa mielessä.  Rivisotilas, joka hoitaa hommansa, mutta jota ei kiinnosta kummemmin sosiaalinen elvistely eikä omaa suurempaa kunnianhimoa.  Hänelle riittävät yksinkertaiset asiat ja normaalin elämän anti.  Hän on lojaali mies, jolle naiset ovat vähän mystisiä ja hankalia ymmärtää, ja deltalla on usein taipumus näiden jalustalle nostamiseen ”olen onnekas kun minulla on hänet”-tapaisten ilmaisujen kautta.  Esimerkkeinä mainittakoon suurin osa Band of Brothersin Easy Companysta.


Kaveri, joka ajattelee olevansa salaa alfa, ja ihmettelee, kun kukaan muu ei tajua sitä.  On universaalisti naisten inhoama ja harvemmin sinut miehisyytensä kanssa.  Saattaa muuten olla sosiaalisesti suhteellisen arvostettu.  Gamma on passiivis-aggressiivinen, kaunainen ja katkera miestyyppi.  Gamman tunnistaa siitä, että häntä hävettää käyttää miehuuteen liittyviä sanoja, ja käyttää usein ilmaisuja kuten ”kuulostaa siltä kuin sanoisit X”.  Gamma on äärimmäisen itsekeskeinen ja jatkuvasti omaa napaansa analysoiva ja syystä tai toisesta kärsimänsä henkilökohtaisen häpeän siinä määrin runtelema, että hänen täytyy jatkuvasti rakentaa päänsä sisällä kertomusta, jossa hän on sankari, vaikka siltä ei vaikuttaisikaan.  Siinä, missä sarkasmi on alfalla ja sigmalla välinpitämättömyyden indikaattori, on se gamman hauraan egon suojakilpi.  Koska gamma on alituiseen kauhuissaan siitä, mitä muut hänestä ajattelevat, hän ei uskalla tunnustaa, ettei tiedä jostain asiasta mitään.  Esimerkkeinä Sobel Band of Brothersista, John Scalzi, Bernie Sanders ja jokainen XY-kromosomeilla varustettu feministi.



Sosiaalinen hylkiö vailla varsinaisia sosiaalisia kontakteja sen enempää naisiin kuin miehiinkään.  Sosiaalisessa hierarkiassa täysin näkymättömiä, kukaan ei huomaa heidän olemassaoloaan.  Joko hyväksyvät asian ja käyttävät aikansa muuhun tai ovat siitä raivoissaan.  Esimerkkeinä Taxi Driverin Travis Bickle, Elliot Rodger.


Outolintu, joka ei ota osaa sosiaaliseen kiipeilyyn mutta voittaa siinä silti.  Pitää johtajuutta ja sosiaalista dominanssia ajanhukkana, viihtyy harvemmin joukkuelajeissa.  Erakkoluonne, jolla on hyvä itseluottamus ja usein epätavalliset kiinnostuksen kohteet.  Hänen puoleensa käännytään helposti kuten alfankin, mutta alfasta poiketen hän ei mielellään ota vastaan johtajan roolia.  Jotkut käyttävät ilmaisua ”introvertti alfa”.  Alfat harvemmin pitävät sigmasta, koska jälkimmäiset eivät tunnusta hänen sosiaalista dominanssiaan.  Esimerkkeinä käy valtaosa Clint Eastwoodin hahmoista, Aragorn.


Loppuun vielä kiintoisa kuva aiheesta, hieman eri tulkintana ehkä.



Luonnetyyppi potentiaali – suhteessa alfana oloon.

Most Alpha Potential

As with all sensing-perceiver types they live in the moment. If nothing else, seduction is all about “the moment.” It is about noticing and reacting to changes in the environment. The mixture of Extraversion and Feeling gives them a warm and gregarious manner.
Males: This is the Don Juan archetype. He may love ’em and leave ’em but he will probably leave ’em feeling good.
Females: This is the archetypal party girl, flirty and flighty. The bubbliness can be very appealing but like her male version there will be as much emphasis on “leave” as “love.”
General: While more of a female type men can wear this well. ESFP men will likely not appear soft or fluffy. The warm charisma of this type will mean they can comfortably assume leadership. ESxP are the wheeler/dealers of the world. They may get themselves into trouble but will also be able to dig themselves out of it.

Has all the in-the-moment sensing-perceiver skills. As a Thinking type may appear more cool and detached than their ESFP counterpart.
Males: This is the archetype player. He will leave ’em and not really worry about it. He runs the risk of his conquests becoming a sterile and mechanical, lacking the joy of the ESFP.
Females: She is the femme-fatale or the playette. She offers some of the advantages of the ESFP; all of the disadvantages.
General: As for the ESFP. Their cool-headed thinking preference my be more suitable for business.

These are the artistic ones. They have all the tactical in-the-moment skills of their extraverted cohorts. Although introverted they will not appear as serious, cerebral, or reserved as other introverted types.
Males: They can project an air of cool sophisticated charm that may seem refined compared to the more obvious ESFP. He will likely have a sense of style in dress and manner that will help him stand out from the crowd.
Females: Can project warm sensuality that is just bubbling beneath the surface. This more mysterious understated form can be very appealing in comparison to the more obvious ESFP. Like her male counterpart will be able to use her individual style to its most flattering use.
General: This is a type that works for both men and women, although they may present it very differently.

A Lot of Alpha Potential

They present a softer warmer version of the ENTJ. These are the type to provide encouraging charismatic leadership. Tend to be good at “getting” people, and know the right thing to say or do.
Males: He is warm and friendly. He will likely have lots of woman around hem, he just need to make his move. They may need to tone down their cuddliness while maintaining their decisiveness.
Females: As with their male counterpart, their warmth and charm is appealing. That warmth and charisma may however appear intimidating to less confident men (in a too-good-for-them way).
General: This is a type that works for men and women. It is equally appealing in both. Although they are less visible then their ENTJ counterpart, they too are likely in leadership positions beyond expected numbers. Like all NFs may have an idealized picture of what they need from sex and romance.

These are basically a fun loving type. They are often charming and verbally skilful. They usually have enough charisma to make up for any NT quirkiness. Indeed, that offbeat nature forms a large part of their appeal.
Males: Their optimism and energy can be infectious. They may get away with game missteps because she will accept it as part of his quirky charm.
Females: More of a male type although the adaptability of the type may allow ENTP females to present their character in an appealing manner. They will win admirers with that same quirky charm that males do.
General: Flexible type that can probably adapt to many environments. Although they lack the in-the-moment skills of the ESxP or the style and sensuality of the ISFP they can still project a pleasing personality.

This is the classic leader of men type. They tend to be forceful and direct. While they may appear stern, they will project energy. Their appeal comes from their alpha qualities. Indeed their actual seduction skills will likely be far less than the ESxP types. However, if they apply themselves they can do very well. Even without practice, their forceful personalities will be attractive to many.
Males: Their powerful dynamic presence is almost all the game they need. However, as NT types they need to understand that logic does not work in seduction. As NTJ types they need to realize that seduction not only lacks logic, it also lacks rigid rules and strict order.
Females: This is the classic Amazon girl. DC Lawyer Bitch is probably an ENTJ. That is all you need to know.
General: This is a very male type. They are probably found in leadership positions in proportions far beyond their small number in the population. Females will not wear this type well and their own hypergamy will make it hard to find men that “measure up.”

Plenty of Alpha Potential

It is no surprise that gameosphere is full of INTJs. Their order and logic seeking minds do not naturally fit into the fluid moves of seduction. Although appearing less forceful then their ENTJ cousins they posses a strong and quite self-confidence that can be attractive. If most “naturals” come from the ranks of ESxP then the best students will come from the ranks of INTJs.
Males: In their raw form INTJs may not seem like great seduction material, but with their natural self-confidence, discipline and decisiveness they can learn a very good game.
Females: INTJ is a male type. INTJ females will suffer some of the problems that their ENTJ sisters do. I suspect that INTJ women need the most dominant men, perhaps even more than ENTJ females
General: INTJs can do very well in business. They have plenty of leadership ability (although they may not seek it) and their self-confidence and decisiveness will put them on the right foot. As iNtuitive Thinkers they can see the big picture and make good strategic decisions.

Directive and decisive, this is probably the stereotypical middle or upper-middle manager. They may project an aura of calm confidence. However, they may tend towards seriousness in manner. They will have the confidence needed but may lack that more glib charm that aids success in seduction. However, an ESTJ man that wants to develop his game has good material to work with.
Males: This is more of a male type. While not exciting, the ESTJ can project air of calm certainty that is not unappealing.
Females: Females may not wear this type well. Nobody likes a bossy woman, and ESTJ is one of the bossy types.
General: Every club, community organization, and corporation will likely have at least some ESTJs keeping things (including NF and NTP types) organized.

Warm friendly and sensible. These are host and hostesses of the world. When they are not organizing social activity for themselves, they will be organizing it for you. They like to entertain and will probably have a wide circle of friends.
Males: While more of a female type males can wear this well. Often the center of social activity they will have access to many women; they just need to make their move. Like other SJ types they may appear a bit staid or boring, but this does not have to be the case.
Females: We all know her. She is the woman that is always organizing something. If she is not arranging a party, she is probably trying to set you up with someone. ESFJs need to make sure that in all that organizing for others they do not forget themselves. They will have access to many men; they just need to make themselves available.
General: If ESTJs bring order to all those civic organizations, then the ESFJ brings warmth.

They are warm and enthusiastic. Their expressiveness and offbeat style can be appealing even to the more reserved types.
Males: As with all NF types ENFP is slightly more feminine. However, warmth, humor, and a bit of craziness never really goes out of style. For many the ENFP’s gentle non-conformity carry greater appeal than the more obvious rebelliousness of the ESTP/ISTP. The ENFP male may need to be careful of appearing too “gushy” and over enthusiastic.
Females: Warm, charming, sympathetic, and a bit crazy. What’s not to like? Perhaps the fact that she might bounce out of your life as quickly as she bounced in. Nonetheless, it is still an appealing type.
General: In some ways they are even more “people persons” than the ESFP. They are the kind of person you like, even if you do not fully understand.

Some Alpha Potential

They are quiet and reserved. They may be more interested in machines than people. Although they are Sensing-Perceivers, they tend to be less expressive than others of the clan. However, they may show flashes of humor or daring activity that contrasts their more normal quiet state.
Males: If ESTP is the mischievous bad boy then the ISTP is the sullen bad boy. Get your Brando swagger on and you are good to go.
Females: These represent the stereotypical tomboy. She would do well to remember that a bit of lipstick can go a long way.
General: Firefighters, pilots, and police officers are some of the places you will find ISTPs.

Quiet, trustworthy and reliable. These are the people that allow behind-the-scenes to remain behind the scenes. These are the stereotypical “beta” male or “mousy” female. Sadly, as we know, such traits do not make a great seducer. Although they could do well by learning game, they are perhaps less likely to.
Males: These are the solid serious type. The typical dad/provider type may well be an ISTJ.
Females: They are solid and loyal. Sadly, they are also easy to overlook.
General: Accounts and administration are where you will find them. If you do not want to date them, you should at least thank them. A lot of the world runs on ISTJ.

Less Alpha Potential

They are muct like the ISTJ. Due to their feeling preference they will be more sensitive. ISFJs tend to be under appreciated.
Males: There biggest problem is that they may not put themselves forward. Although they may be aware of their own feelings they might not express them. They may take criticism and rejection hard.
Females: In some ways they are the classic girl-next-door type. They are caring sensitive and loyal but sadly easy to miss in the crowd of more vibrant offerings.
General: Greatly under appreciated and often unacknowledged for their contributions.

If INTP were a person, it would be the absent-minded professor. INTPs can probably talk game with best of them but may find it more difficult in practice. Their abstract and theoretical minds (N) and introversion can make small talk and other parts of seduction hard for them. If their Thinking preference is strong and their Feeling side undeveloped they can disdain small-talk altogether appearing cold.
Males: This is the stereotypical male nerd. If they can get out of their head long enough, they might be able to do well in the seductive arts. They will certainly understand the theory. Indeed their independence and lack of deference to authority can be appealing.
Females: Such nerdiness is seen as less acceptable for a woman. Their quiet yet independent nature may make them seem difficult.
General: Many INTPs have a playful side that can surprise those have only seen the serious cerbral face of this type. Wherever theories are being theorized you will find INTPs. You are less likely to find them on the sports field.

Warm and friendly yet may be hard to get to know. They can often read people very well in a manner that may be surprising to those people. Concerned for other’s feelings, they will make an effort to avoid causing hurt. Despite their warm and caring approach they are very independent and confident. They will not go against their own ideals.
Males: The nurturing aspects of this type can make it difficult for a man to wear. Do not be misled into thinking INFJ males are effeminate or girly-men. They will appear “different,” and that difference can be appealing to some.
Females: Their complexity is what makes them appealing. Although they may be quiet, and thus overlooked, they offer an appealing mix of softness and moxie (that J kicking in). They will probably be good at figuring out the players and may be tougher win over than their quite demeanor would suggest.
General: Will tend to influence others “invisibly,” with neither themselves nor the others being fully aware of it.

These are the poets of the world. Quiet, deep, and a bit other-worldly. They may be hard to get to know, but will care for all those they meet. Although a reserved type they will be appreciated for their quiet warmth.
Males: INFP is most definitely a female type. INFP males may have a hard time (especially in their youth and teens). However, with their warm hearts and caring nature they just might sneak up on you. Perhaps even more than other introverted types may find it difficult to put themselves forward.
Females: Their deep and introspective natures may make them hard to fathom. Their reserve means they may be overlooked. This will be as much the other person’s loss as the INFP’s.
General: They are the most idealistic of the NF idealists. They may have an ideal for love and the other person that they cannot quite describe. They are probably the type that is least comfortable in a standard dating setting with its focus on glib charm and sometimes-cynical attitudes. The world may run on E/I STJ but it would a much worse place without INFP.


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